Leah and I ventured out to Aldergrove to meet up with my grandma and mom for breakfast on Monday at one of grandma’s favorite hangouts, White Spot. It was great to spend some time with grandma before heading over to my mom’s house to freeze fresh, juicy strawberries. First, there was some potato digging. While they were busy working, I had Leah in her new car seat. Actually, it is a cardboard box from forty years ago they gave out at Langley Memorial courtesy of the Women’s Auxiliary for new parents to bring their infant home in.
Off to pick up our strawberries and raspberries at the farm. After a little bit of showing off, we decided to weigh her. She’s gaining fast with some nice rolls on the legs.
That weight is only her (the scale was zeroed with the box on it) all 13 1/2 lbs. Yes, we actually did get some work done. We made two batches of jam, one strawberry and one raspberry and the rest of the berries we froze for pancake sauce all winter.