Spring has seemed to arrive very early this year with cherry blossoms in beautiful bloom and hyacinths brightening up the drab soil.

Likewise, my gardening friend and I got into some action this weekend by planting our vegetable seeds. They need to be started early indoors where it is nice and warm so they can grow to be robust plants before being able to withstand the outside garden.
I’m tending to them as we have large windows where they can bathe in the sun rays while they grow. Some of the seeds are as small as sesame seeds so they need careful tending which I hope I can provide in order for them to flourish. It’s hard to believe they will be producing juicy tomatoes amongst other vegetables this summer from such a humble beginning.

Here is a sampling of what will be in our gardens this year.

I have also been busy this past week or two making room for these seedlings in the backyard. It used to be a gravel cover spot to park vehicles but with a lot of muscle and sweat, it will be transformed this spring. Unfortunately, once some of the gravel had been removed, all we saw was clay. It still can be a garden spot it just means more work to make it happen.
We have had amazing weather which has been very conducive to working outside. Though it is hard work, it is lovely being in the sunshine. Every time I’ve gone out to work, I’ve had to take off my jacket or sweatshirt as the sun shines.
This week calls for rain which will bring opportunities to get some of the indoor work off of my list. I hope to show you some progress in that neglected department soon.