A couple of weeks ago we had a crazy hail storm which made our yard look like it was covered in a blanket of snow. I bundled the kids up and out we went to have fun.
Not even a week later, I was looking through last year’s summer hats to try to shield Leah’s face from the hot sun.
As I was taking pictures of Leah, I took a few pictures of some treasures the previous owners left for us. I have been happily surprised this spring at the beautiful flowers sprouting up that I haven’t planted.
They also left garden beds that were very overgrown but had a wonderful layout. These beds were full of unique, interesting and not so charming garden ‘art’. I have thrown a few of them out but have left many because they make me smile in their own tacky way. This is one of the better ones.
Speaking of tacky, this is the fence ‘art’. Yes, they are all different colours and styles. All throughout the yard there is driftwood with marbles embedded in it. This one just happens to be screwed to the gate.
There were so many wind chimes I have lost count. Several I have moved so the kids can play with them and make music. I did remove their anniversary platter and love sign from the deck as that was a bit much for me. Especially because they moved and are no longer together.
All in all, we love our yard and are loving it even more as we make it our own.
You forgot to take a picture of that honkin’ mirror beside your fence! I had no idea they had a sign with eachother’s names. Boy oh boy.