May 2010

Life31 May 2010 08:58 pm

Leah and I visited a lovely garden park with some friends on a rain filled Saturday. We didn’t let the rain stop us from enjoying the flowers and the rain most certainly did not stop our kiddies from running throughout the park, laughing and giggling and exploring all the trails.
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I missed most of what the tour guide said but still had fun watching Leah run as well as enjoying all the wonderful scenery. She was quite the character.
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Thanks to my friend Katherine for all the pictures. I love her pics… I might just ‘forget’ my camera at home more often.

Life16 May 2010 04:16 pm

We have been enjoying spectacular weather here and are spending lots of time outside. Yesterday we walked over to a local, big park and I played with Leah on the playground while Morgan ran laps around the field.

I enjoyed the one-on-one time with Leah and let her climb on the big equipment. Usually I have at least one other kid with me during the week which keeps us close to home and to fully fenced, quiet, toddler playgrounds. Though I enjoy the time Leah and I get together during the week, the weekend is special as I can let go a little more with just one child to watch over.

That doesn’t mean we don’t like hooking up with our friends on the weekends though. Leah still asks for her friends (usually Gabrielle) and talks about then during the weekend so when our schedules allow, we venture out but with moms in tow. I enjoy the adult conversation while spending time with our little ones (who are not so little now).

Here is our first visit to the beach this year that had the sole intention of exploring and getting dirty. Leah wasn’t a big fan of the sand getting on her sandals or the sand sticking to her hands. Fortunately she soon found the fun outweighed getting dirty. Here are some pictures courtesy of Gabby’s mom.

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Another one of my mommy friends invited us along to check out an amazing local park on Friday. I’m not a huge fan of driving to play at a park but for this park it is worth it. It is set in a large forest away from the road so you feel like you are far away from civilization, though it is only a five minute drive away. There is lots of playground equipment for every age as well as cleared areas for running down hills and blowing at dandelion puffs. There is also a large, covered picnic area. (Our city should hire me to write park reviews.) Needless to say, we will be visiting again in the summer.


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In the last pic, Leah is playing musical chimes. I love cool additions to playgrounds that let the kids do more than just climb a ladder and go down the slide.

Here is Leah enjoying her snack at the duck pond. I packed up all the kid’s snacks and we were able to watch the baby ducks and hear the birds tweet while eating fruit and in Leah’s case, cheerios and raisins. Looking back, I’m not sure how I survived the winter with all the kids inside so often. For now, we will try to make the most of the sun.


For her birthday, Leah’s uncle got her this cool bike helmet. Now she can go for rides in the bike trailer with Morgan pulling her. She loves going for strolls around the neighbourhood as well as wearing her helmet and knee pads. When we got to the park, she refused to take them off. She probably was better off that way as she was playing with older kids with their cleats still on from soccer practice who were not so mindful of a much smaller child behind them.

She stood her ground pretty good though and kept saying ‘wait’ and ‘turn’ when she was waiting for her turn for the slide. I’m glad these important principles actually are sinking in when I try to teach them many hours of everyday. Not sure why, but it amazes me when she relays these things sometimes. She isn’t dumb and I’ve gone over them hundreds of times but it still leaves me in awe.


Life10 May 2010 02:25 pm

Here are some highlights from the last few weeks.

We visited a local conservation centre with Leah’s friend, Gabby and her mom (who sent me a few of these pics). Leah and Gabby loved jumping in the rain puddles and took a lot of convincing to go explore other parts of the farm.


The conservation centre educates many school groups about the environment and sustainability throughout the week. It also hosts scientists from around the world who are studying environmental causes. The people who run the centre try to live off the farm as much as possible. They have a large garden full of produce year round as well as tending chickens and a cow.

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Leah has decided that becoming messy once in awhile is totally acceptable. Especially when it comes to chocolate cake batter.

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She is becoming even cuter…. if that is even possible.


Leah turned two on Friday so we had a small celebration during afternoon snack. The girls helped me make the cupcakes that morning.

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When they donned some shades, the girls thought they were pretty cool.

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On Saturday, we celebrated Leah and Morgan’s birthdays along with Mother’s Day. Leah had a great time giving and receiving presents as well as trying her new goodies out. She loves spending time with our extended families and we are so blessed to have them nearby.

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