Life10 May 2010 02:25 pm

Here are some highlights from the last few weeks.

We visited a local conservation centre with Leah’s friend, Gabby and her mom (who sent me a few of these pics). Leah and Gabby loved jumping in the rain puddles and took a lot of convincing to go explore other parts of the farm.


The conservation centre educates many school groups about the environment and sustainability throughout the week. It also hosts scientists from around the world who are studying environmental causes. The people who run the centre try to live off the farm as much as possible. They have a large garden full of produce year round as well as tending chickens and a cow.

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Leah has decided that becoming messy once in awhile is totally acceptable. Especially when it comes to chocolate cake batter.

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She is becoming even cuter…. if that is even possible.


Leah turned two on Friday so we had a small celebration during afternoon snack. The girls helped me make the cupcakes that morning.

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When they donned some shades, the girls thought they were pretty cool.

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On Saturday, we celebrated Leah and Morgan’s birthdays along with Mother’s Day. Leah had a great time giving and receiving presents as well as trying her new goodies out. She loves spending time with our extended families and we are so blessed to have them nearby.

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