A new haircut amongst other recent happenings
Leah got her first hair cut yesterday. I was a little nervous about it but I absolutely love how it turned out. Here are a few before pictures.
Leah got to sit in a cool pink car, watch a movie and play with some toys while cutting her hair cut. I think she was a little over stimulated at first though she did really well.
The end result.
Leah has some awesome (natural) streaks in her hair.
Today was such a warm, glorious day I didn’t do circle or art today with the kids in favour of spending two hours in the back yard. It was so warm I kept taking off layers off the kids. They played so well outside and enjoyed the sun just as much as I did. Here is Leah on the go.
I love seeing Leah all dressed up and still playing hard with Tonka trucks and running away from me with a tool box. The irony strikes me as funny. Also, a rare picture of me with my favourite girl. I seriously have to start changing that and getting more pictures of us together.
Last weekend my sister, Leah and I joined my mom on her lunch break. Leah loves going to visit Grandma, especially at her work. She even got some freshly made ice cream.
A few of my friends have had baby girls lately which has motivated me do to some sewing. Though I have been feeling quite busy and haven’t devoted much time at all to sewing, I do enjoy putting a cute, little dress together for a precious, new bundle of joy.