On Saturday morning as I was heading out to my mom’s house Morgan asked me to pick up some milk. I was feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of going shopping with both kids by myself so early in the ball game. But really, could I let one measly jug of milk overtake me like that? So I cheerfully wished Morgan a good day and made no promises as we headed out the door.
On the way to my mom’s house it was getting close to eating time for Joel so we happily passed by the grocery store and went on to enjoy the rest of the morning and a lovely afternoon with my family. When it was time to leave I figured we had enough time for a quick stop and then be on our way in time to feed Joel at home.
Feeling brave and confident I entered the parking lot and sought out a parking stall close to the entrance or to a shopping cart corral. If I ever needed a parent parking spot it was now. However, no optimal spots were to be found. I circled the parking lot a few times in desperation but to no avail. Not willing to let a parking spot determine the fate of my mission, we parked, I got Leah out of her car seat, grabbed Joel, locked the car and off we went.
Leah wanted to hold on to Joel’s car seat and help me carry him across the parking lot. Success… until Leah tripped, fell and burst into tears. After a careful assessment of the situation, I picked up Leah with one hand holding Joel’s car seat with the other and excitedly pointed out the cart with a red race car on the front that Leah could sit in and drive. Disaster averted.
The main cart was smaller than normal because of the car so I wedged Joel in thankful that I only needed room for a jug of milk. We made it over to the milk aisle only after picking up a few soup mixes and macaroni and cheese that were on sale. I had to move my small collection of soup and KD to fit the milk and then went straight over to the cash register as nothing else could fit in our cart.
After successfully maneuvering the store with a massive cart getting everything we needed, we stood in line and I thought was doing great. Even alerted a man to money that he had dropped. After I had paid we ventured into the parking lot while I figured out a game plan to place everything and everybody in their proper places. Kids in first, then groceries, then leave kids buckled in car while returning cart? Leave cart in the middle of the parking lot? Groceries in first, leaving kids in cart while returning it, then walk back to car hoping Leah doesn’t trip on the way back while trying to help me?
Once I had decided on the latter option, I realized halfway across the parking lot that my groceries were still in the store. Back in we went, picked up the groceries and then back to plan c. I got the groceries in the trunk and put Joel in the car and he started crying. I tried my very limited options (soother) before facing mini defeat and letting him cry while I buckled Leah in. With a silent prayer and the soother looped between my fingers as I held unto the steering wheel, we were off and Joel drifted back to sleep with the movement of the car.