Life17 Sep 2011 09:35 pm

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On Monday, we went to the park and I put Joel in the swing for the first time. At first he was a little unsure but there were lots of smiles in between the perplexed faces. Once he was more confident in the swing, I pushed him higher and higher as his smiles grew.
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A dress I made for a precious one month old little girl. I got lots of snuggles too. I can hardly remember Joel being that young. Time flies.
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As much fun as dresses are on little girls, there are lots of handsome things for the boys. I’m enjoying dressing Joel as much as I did Leah. Love the sweater vest.
On Wednesday mornings while I attend a teaching and small group time with moms, Leah goes to a Christian preschool program called Cubbies. She adores the vest she wears and wore it all day long. Leah even has a little bit of homework. She and I have been practicing her memory verse all week and she has it fully memorized now. It is “God is love. 1 John 4:8”.

I was trying to go over the activities with her and she was really tired from all of the excitement of the week and I had bad visions of what homework time might look like in a few years. Life is very full of new activities for Leah right now along with the regular play dates and such and I need to remember and intentionally plan downtime for our family, especially as she gets used to the new routine.

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This morning after researching a new car seat for Leah, feeding everyone breakfast, putting a roast in the crock pot and bathing and dressing the kids, we were finally ready to run some errands. Just before we left, I paused amidst the mental list of things to pack and the physical list of places to go and items to buy and reflected. I pulled out the camera, delaying the trip I had carefully planned and embraced the time.

I’m unbelievably thankful for my kids. Sometimes I let them drive me to my wit’s end and I require some time to myself before I can come back to being the patient, attentive mother I strive to be. But, for the most part, especially when proper sleep has been attained and they have been fed recently, I look at them with awe and wonder and consider myself extremely thankful that they are mine.

2 Responses to “This week”

  1. on 26 Sep 2011 at 1:20 am Alison

    Joel is so cute and starting to look a lot more like you Sandy. I can also see more similarities with Leah now. It looks like they are having loads of fun and I can so relate to your last paragraph. I try to capture little moments in my mind and take a step back to appreciate them when I getting caught up in the stream of endless things to do!

  2. on 29 Sep 2011 at 7:11 pm Grandma and Grandpa

    It seems like such a short time ago you put Leah in that same swing at the park! Joel looks like he loves it!

    Wonderful pictures!

    Love Grandma

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