Life09 Mar 2012 04:24 pm

When I take time to savour, I learn so much in ways I do not expect. From a precious three year old girl who would like to simply watch ducks than rush off to the playground, even though time is limited.
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To not just take a quick glance but to really watch the ducks and the water and the leaves. To relax and take this moment in. To learn and to grow by experiencing creation. To sit contentedly in a wagon and watch the ducks puddle to and fro.
To take a trip to Stanley Park to spend time with the family even though we ‘don’t have time’.
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To climb benches, to jump in puddles, to laugh, to play and to run even though we ‘don’t have the time’. To take the time to get to know each other better. To form bonds that can reignite by a hug and a tickle, even though months may pass without a word.
When I rush about, I miss all these moments I ‘don’t have time for’. I do it (usually) with the best of intentions. Let’s rush off to preschool for socialization and for learning. I have to get the bathroom cleaned and veggies bought before our friends come over. Shouldn’t making time for my children and my husband be ahead of these menial tasks?

One Response to “Learning”

  1. on 09 Mar 2012 at 6:09 pm grandma

    you can blame some of that on me – we always cleaned up for company didn’t we?

    Many truths in what you say – and awesome pictures!

    Love you all!

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