Life19 May 2012 09:58 pm

For Leah’s fourth birthday, we invited a few friends over for some games (duck, duck, goose and the like), cookie decorating, party crown making and playing before having their families join us for lunch and cupcakes. Leah’s cake ideas ranged from a pretty fire truck with a mermaid to princess with Spiderman. In the end, I convinced her sprinkles on cupcakes would be fun.
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On her actual birthday, I made her waffles for breakfeast.
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Joel loves playing with buckles. He took a few steps after Leah’s birthday but isn’t into walking at all.
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He’s figured out the playground though and loves going down the slide. Leah likes wearing her sunglasses.
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I gave Joel a haircut the other day. It was getting long in the back. He knows to smile when there is a camera pointing at him.
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Here are the after pictures. Not much difference when it was combed before. Now his bedhead doesn’t stick out so much.
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At the park. This little guy is saying mama (reference to me and to food), da (to get attention, sometimes in reference to Morgan) and eye-yah (definitely in reference to Leah). Leah can make him laugh and rile him up like no other.

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