Painting. Joel doesn’t usually last too long but he does like the experience.

Playing in the leaves.

This is one of the pumpkins from our garden. We carved it together before baking, pureeing and freezing to make pie one day. I ran a local 5k called The Pumpkin Run.

Joel is 100% boy. He loves trains, cars and trucks.

Morgan made us breakfast one day. As you can see he is participating in Movember. Joel loves to be a big kid and sit on the kid chairs instead of the booster and sometimes I let him. He is definitely not ready to make the transition as he likes to get up a lot but if he is really into the meal it works.

Morgan spent some time with the kids and made parachutes. He is definitely going to be in charge of helping the kids with their science projects.

By far, Joel’s favourite food is banana.

Joel has quite a few words now including Leah, Dada, Momma, Grandma, Grandpa, truck, duck, more, banana, boots (boo), please (peas), yeah, no (nay), woof (which he loves to say all the time regardless of a dog present). I’m sure I’m missing a few.
A few times, when it has gotten dark at night, Joel will go into the bathroom and bring his sleeper out. He has figured out how to undo the snap ones and I’ve found him with only a diaper on a couple of times now in his crib. He has told me a few times when he has gone poo in his diaper.
Joel is also becoming more “2”. He was whining at me the other day because I was helping him put on his pants and he wanted to do it by himself. He loves to put on his boots by himself (as well as any random footwear he can find) and would wear them all day around the house if I let him. I really have to keep an eye on him as he will wander off on his own without a care. Thankfully, he is still happy in a shopping cart (along with his sister who will be sad when she can no longer catch a ride).
Leah is quite the performer at preschool. She loves to yell out the answers to every question, sings loudly and does big actions. She is engaging in a lot of imaginative play. The couch cushions were boats the other day and went all over the living room for over an hour with much dialogue between her and her buddy.
Leah and Joel get along so well (for the most part). They love each other so much and Leah watches out for him. If someone is crying at daycare, Leah and her buddy turn on their sirens and rush over to the aid of whoever got hurt. Leah will distract Joel away from doing something that he is not supposed to. When Joel wakes up in the morning, he wants to find Leah and the other kids I look after. I think he would be so lost without her. At least in September when she goes to kindergarten full time, I’ll be looking after other kids he can play with. I’m so thankful they get along so well and are such healthy, happy, wonderful kids.