Life22 Aug 2008 11:30 am

Last Saturday, we went to the beach with our friends. We live so close, yet don’t venture down there too often. We had a great time hanging out and picnicking. We walked in the ocean as well. It was so warm and felt great.

I wanted to protect Leah from the sun so we brought out the umbrella. While wading in the ocean, I was quite the sight with Leah hanging out in the snugli, while holding the umbrella, adjusting it to ensure Leah wouldn’t get any sun and trying to keep her comfortable as she slowly drifted off into dreamland.

One Response to “Weekend Fun”

  1. on 23 Aug 2008 at 6:50 am Jennifer Galpin

    Just found your websiteby accident.
    I live in Michigan.
    Please contact me and say HI

    Jennifer Galpin

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