Life11 Jul 2012 08:59 pm

We went up to Oroville for a week with a bunch of friends from our church. We had a blast with tons of kids running around and many adult hands around to help. There were walks through and by an apple orchard on the way to the bridge so the kids could throw leaves and branches in and run to the other side of the bridge to watch them continue on down the river. A few of us enjoyed the pleasures of boating and skiing. There was a pile of baby monitors on the counter while adults talked and laughed while eating ice cream in excess as the moon shone. The big draw of the lake was to throw rocks into until a brave youngster came up and showed how much fun the water can be. Thunder and lightning revealed slightly scared but mostly excited faces.

What a view from the table. Joel loved sitting a few feet from the water playing contentedly in the sand and rocks.
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Leah got more comfortable in the water as the week went by. The weather also got progressively warmer. There was lots of relaxing and lounging.
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Here’s the bridge where we threw rocks and sticks into the river below.

Joel is no longer a baby but an opinionated toddler. Here he is on a big chair enjoying some waffle.
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Morgan paddled in a little dingy across the lake alongside a friend who is training for a triathlon. Morgan in the cabin.
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I didn’t capture on ‘film’ a lot of moments but instead tried to enjoy them without worrying about the camera. It was also busy juggling childcare and meal prep and the like while still trying to fit in a nap. We are so blessed to have such great friends to share our lives with.

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