It was one year ago that your daddy and I were able to first hold you in our arms, though you were held in our hearts as soon as we knew I was pregnant. I was nervous about the day of your arrival and ever so eager to meet you. You arrived right on your due date and you stole our hearts from the moment we saw you.
There were a few funny moments from that day I will always remember. I wouldn’t let Daddy leave my side, even to warm up his meatball and spaghetti lunch he brought to the hospital, so he had to be content eating the pepperoni sticks I had bought the day before for lunch while I was in labor. I have vivid memories of him sitting on the couch, admiring our nice ocean view and eating pepperoni while helping me through my pain. In all truth, Daddy was so supportive and the proudest daddy around.
Grandma Fran and Granddad Sid were the first to come visit you very soon after you were born. They walked over to the hospital as soon as Daddy called. They were so excited and happy to see and hold you. When Grandma Pauline and Grandpa Ed came, they brought Uncle Chris, Auntie Anna, Uncle David and Auntie Andrea to come see you as well. It was like a big party. Everyone was so overjoyed to see your precious, sweet face and hold your little hands.
You were so healthy from the get-go, eating and gaining weight like a champ. You have always enjoyed your food, gaining steadily to be just over twenty pounds now. I have only brought you to see the doctor when it was time for your shots. You have stayed very healthy with only a few colds.
In the first few months, I had a whole new appreciation for all the mothers of the world. It seems babies have a way of overtaking your life and overtaking your heart as well. Your daddy and I were so proud to be parents and would happily talk about you to anyone who cared to listen.
This past year has flown by and we are enthusiastically watching you learn and grow. You love to pull yourself up to a stand and love using your walkers to walk around the house. You love to share your heartwarming smile and you have the cutest laugh. You love to ‘talk’ and spend time with friends. You are growing up so fast and we are so proud to have you as our daughter.
We love you more than words can express. I remember in the months after you were born, there were so many cards and gifts were delivered just for you. There are so many people that love you so much Leah.
I look forward to the coming years as we grow older as a family. I also want to treasure all the special moments we have together now, knowing you will only be this young once while looking ahead to a bright future.
You are such a precious, little girl, bringing so much joy into our lives. No matter where the future leads, never forget we will always love you and be here for you. We love you so much.
Mommy and Daddy
What a beautiful letter to your beautiful daughter.