We went to Seattle for a few days in April as Morgan was taking a course there. Leah only asked ‘are we there yet’ when we had five minutes left in the trip. Other than that, Leah and Joel were as quiet as can be in the back while Morgan and I chatted the whole way there. As we were driving in we saw the stand for Ride the Ducks so we bought tickets before going to our hotel. We ate a quick lunch and off we went.
Ride the Ducks is a tour bus that is also a boat. It’s pretty surreal driving straight into the water and floating. The tour guides have you rocking out to all kinds of music and make the tour fun for everyone. Leah had a blast. We also checked out the Space Needle.
We had amazing weather and the view was gorgeous.
There was a huge fountain that Leah really wanted to go in. Morgan horsed around with the kids.
I had Easter Monday off but Morgan had to work so I took the kids to Pacific Science Center. We were out and about early and well before the Center opened so I was surprised to see a few people gathering at the entrance. I commented that we still had an hour and a half before it opened so I might take the kids to Pike Place. A lady in line said the first 200 people in line got free tickets so we hung around and got in free plus Imax movie tickets. The kids sat very well for the 3D movie and we explored everything kid-friendly we could find.
Leah played with water cannons outside that you could direct at different objects to make them spin or pour water on another object that would do something else. There was also a butterfly house.
Leah checking out all the cocoons. A boy told me a butterfly landed on my head so I quickly took a picture.
We put together an ant. Morgan took this cool night shot of the Space Needle.
We had such a fun trip filled with great memories. The kids were great even though their schedule was off (especially for Joel and his naps).